Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wii Fit

If you're into that kind of thing I'm blogging over at WiiMuscles about it!

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Friday, May 9, 2008

The Hazzards of Working Outside of the Office

I've been out of my cubicle and working from 'home' (and often on the road) for the last 3 weeks. In that 3 weeks, I would have sworn that I was becoming clumsier. I've come to realize, though, that all of my recent incidents can probably all be explained by the fact that I'm not longer sitting on my rear for 8+ hours a day. In addition to the 2 mystery bruises, one on my upper thigh and one on my calf, cause unknown, I've had 3 on-the job injuries all this week.

A. While searching for a 3-hole punch I knocked over a metal box of ammunition on the floor directly onto my foot. (you can thank the mister for leaving those little land mines all over the house) It was dented in for a day and now is a healthy shade of purple.
B. I was walking up the stairs, reason unknown, and completely tripped up them getting these 2 piggies caught under the lip of the step.
C. While vacuuming under the couch cushions, I picked up the little vacuum from the hose. The hose popped out and it dropped from about 2 feet directly onto my foot.
D. is a bonus injury that happened about a month ago. I pinched a nerve in my back which is still causing random numbness and pain down my leg and up to piggies featured in B.
Let this be a warning. But I have to admit, it's a small price to pay for an awesome job.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

What We Eat in the Midwest

In northern Kentucky, for a mere $4.25, one can order a GLT. A goetta, lettuce, tomato, and mayonaise double decker on toast with potato chips.

For those of you who don't know, goetta is basically like a fried meaty oatmeal.
It was as good as it sounded at 4:30 am. At 9am, however, I nearly horked at the thought of it.

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