Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

As this year comes to a close, we’re all left thinking about how we spent it. There are some things we wish had happened differently, some things that still make us laugh to look back on, and some things we were too drunk to even remember but still cherish. I remember last New Year’s Eve well. My friends and I declared that 2008 would be the Year of Awesome. We did our best to make that happen. So many good things happened this year. I took road trips, spun records, celebrated birthdays, lost pounds, made beautiful new friends, became better friends, quit my job, got tattooed (again), visited New York, got my first brand new car, saw a ton of shows, took a week long cruise, danced to exhaustion, formed an amazing fake band, appreciated bottles of cheap champagne, elected a black president, and immortalized my friendship in a woven afghan. Sure, there were times that weren’t so awesome…a few times where liquor made me completely snap and loose my mind and say crazy things, relationships changed, feelings were hurt…but I’ve got to think that nothing completely awful happened to me. No car wrecks, no funerals to attend, no illness or broken bones, hung on to my house, hung on to the friends that matter, hung onto my sanity. 2008, overall, was one of the best years of my life. I feel like every year I’m a little wiser, a little more relaxed, and realize a bit more exactly what I’m looking for out of life.

For 2009, I resolve to maintain that trend. Here are the things I want to do:

Start writing in this blog again.

Not hold back.

Let people know how much I appreciate them every chance I have. You know, without getting creepy.

Make careful decisions.

Maintain minimal possessions. All a girl really needs is cute clothes anyway! THIS girl, at least.

Dwell on the good stuff if I’ve gotta dwell on something.

Do all the stuff I did in 2008 that was crazy-fun before I get too old for it.

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